Thursday, August 8, 2019

Scientifically proven anticancer products (turmeric, vitamin D, black seed, broccoli, and others)

Scientifically proven anticancer products (turmeric, vitamin D, black seed, broccoli, and others) 

There is plenty of scientific evidence that these products have anticancer effects. Turmeric is supported by the largest amount of scientific evidence, closely followed by vitamin D (link). I am mentioning black seed (Nigella sativa) and ginseng too because these plant products are known to be effective against many diseases, and there is scientific evidence of anticancer properties as well, albeit much less evidence in comparison with turmeric and vitamin D. Turmeric is believed to be a panacea among Hindus, whereas black seed is thought to be a panacea among Muslims. 

There is a saying that black seed can cure everything but death. Indeed there is evidence that black seed and its major active ingredient (thymoquinone) are effective against many diseases (link, link). You can think of turmeric and black seed as universal metabolism normalizers. Normalization of metabolism is what you need with cancer because currently there is growing evidence that cancer is a metabolic disease.
You can do some research on the websites and My advice is to learn how to search correctly.1) This scientific evidence is more reliable than the evidence supporting conventional cancer treatments because the researchers who studied these plant products in most cases did not have conflicts of interest. These products are not patented and cannot bring multibillion-dollar profits to corporations. Scientific articles about these anticancer products were not published by ghost writers hired by corporations. 

The amount of corruption and scientific fraud is not nearly as big as that associated with standard cancer treatments. You need to study the possible adverse effects of these products and my advice is to use a combination of theseproducts. Even if there is no scientific evidence about your particular type of cancer, you can still take advantage of these beneficial remedies because they are much safer and cheaper than conventional treatments and because anticancer treatments typically are effective against many types of cancer. Note that there are three species of ginseng, American, Siberian, and Korean, and you need to choose the one that has been tested against your type of cancer if possible. 

For maximal effectiveness, it is best to consume turmeric in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 min before breakfast: a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a small amount of warm soup or salad. On days when you do not consume turmeric, eat a teaspoon of pulverized black seed or black seed oil with a small amount of warm soup or salad in the morning. For example, you can try the following regimen: three days of turmeric and one day of black seed, and repeat this cycle for as long as necessary (you can do this for life if you like). In addition, consume a tablespoon of cod liver (canned is OK) per day; this is the best source vitamin D.

Optionally, brief sun-bathing or UV-tanning sessions (1 minute on four sides) can be included too. Thisis a different source of vitamin D, and moderate sunbathing also serves as hormesis. Take ginseng extract at noon twice a week. Because turmeric, black seed, and ginseng act against blood coagulation, if you get nosebleeds with this regimen, then reduce your dose twofold. Your diet should be diverse and healthy if you want to normalize your metabolism and beat cancer.

 If your nutrition consists primarily of junk food, then your chances of winning will be much lower. If and when you recover from cancer, you may choose to reduce your dose of these products twofold or you can continue the same regimen for life. Many studies show that an active ingredient of one of these plants (i.e., a purified chemical) is effective against cancer. 

My advice is to consume the whole foods (or crude extracts) instead of purified ingredients. For example, eat turmeric powder added to soup instead of popping curcumin pills. Foods are safer than pure chemicals and should be as effective or even more effective. Artificial vitamins and minerals are not assimilated well by the human body and are mostly excreted with urine. Besides, they do not have the same effects on your body as do vitamins and minerals that come with food, i.e., in a “natural package.” For example, consumption of antioxidant-rich foods improves the outcomes of cancer, whereas consumption of artificial antioxidant pills, such as vitamin E, can worsen the outcomes of cancer patients. Remember that lifestyle changes, vitamin-rich foods, herbs, and herbal extracts are the safest therapeutic methods; next we have natural chemicals (which occur in nature such as vitamins and curcumin), which are less safe for your health; and the last place belongs to invented chemicals (do not occur in nature, e.g., most of patented pharmaceutical drugs), which pose the greatest risks for health, as do surgical methods and many other modalities of conventional medicine. 
A pure chemical may fix one problem in your body but will create 10 other problems, this is also true of artificial vitamins. You need vitamins in their natural packaging: as regular foods. If your goal is to become healthy, then you need to use food as medicine, not drugs as medicine. Nobody will identify a single "active ingredient" that will replace a healthy diet. You need to consume real diverse foods and do many other things as part of your lifestyle to maintain and achieve good health.

In addition, there is a large amount of scientific data on the anticancer properties of pomegranate, soy, broccoli, and green tea. You can see these products and their active ingredients near the top of the list of scientifically proven anticancer products on the Greenmedinfo website (link). For this reason, it will make sense for you to include 50–100 grams (2 to 3 oz.) of raw broccoli into your daily nutrition, preferably passed through a blender. 

For example, you can make puree from tomatoes and broccoli. I do not recommend soy and soy products (such as soy milk) because they cause a lot of gas, but you can give them a try if you wish. Given that green tea contains caffeine (actually more than coffee does), drink a cup of green tea at breakfast, not in the evening. I recommend raw (freshly pressed) pomegranate juice for several reasons. The juice will be less taxing on your teeth. There are substantial scientific data showing that pomegranate (link) and its ingredients (vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols, link) are effective against cancer. When I am sick and have no appetite, the only thing I can consume is pomegranate juice or orange juice. If they are freshly pressed, then they make me feel better immediately and improve appetite too.

 Which leads me to believe that these two raw juices are the healthiest food one can imagine. If you are so sick that you can't eat, then you can consume up to 1.0–1.5 liters (quarts) of pomegranate juice per day. Otherwise, drink one glass a day for prophylaxis. If you don't have access to raw pomegranate juice, then drink freshly pressed orange juice instead. In the worst-case scenario, drink pasteurized pomegranate or orange juice. In the town where I live, I can buy freshly pressed pomegranate juice at a local farmer's market year round. Keep in mind that if you have cancer, only turmeric, natural sources of vitamin D, soy, and broccoli are mandatory among the products described in this chapter because scientific evidence is strong-to-overwhelming. All other products are optional because the amount of evidence is lower. At this time, I do not recommend CBD hemp oil as a remedy for cancer, even though there is some good supporting evidence. First, this product is not legal in all geographic areas; second, you cannot be sure that you will be buying CBD hemp oil. This is an unregulated market currently at the stage of anarchy (or Wild West).Regarding apricot seed kernels, unfortunately, there is not enough evidence at present. Nevertheless, you can include moderate amounts of apricot kernels into your diet, whether you have cancer or not. I do not recommend the pure chemical from apricot kernels that is believed to have anticancer effects: amygdalin. Even if this chemical really has anticancer properties, consuming it in the form of apricot kernels will be safer and better for your health. 

Besides, you should not focus on any one food product or method to fight cancer. Your goal should be to comprehensively overhaul your lifestyle, i.e., to make many changes in your way of life. The central hypothesis of this ebook is that cancer is caused by a suboptimal lifestyle combined with some genetic predisposition. Accordingly, switching to a better lifestyle will normalize your metabolism, improve your immune system, and should cure cancer. 1)For example, the search string hepatitis[Title] AND "liver cancer"[Title/Abstract] returns articles where the word hepatitis is mentioned in the title and phrase "liver cancer" occurs in the title or abstract; you can use operators NOT andOR in a similar fashion. You can also use parentheses and construct long search strings with dozens of operators.

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