Friday, August 9, 2019



TOXINS Before we continue, it is probably best to provide a little kiddies´ guide to toxins and cancer.

 There are a number of ways you can develop cancer. Suffice it to say that there are certain toxins (radioactivity would be a good example) that can have a direct effect on your cell, and cause a rogue cell to be produced. They may be external, or internal (for example, the free radicals you produce from everyday living). 

You make about 200 or so rogue cells throughout each day, but under normal circumstances your immune system mops them up. However if your immune system is impaired, they stand far more chance of beating the system, and you are then on your way to a cancer. There are many things that can weaken your immune system and are thus indirect causes of cancer. Where Cancer Bodies and Governments get their knickers in a twist is that they seem to only want to look at direct causes. And ones that cant sue them, or ones that dont give them money.

 So 25 years ago epidemiology studies linked smoking with increased risk of cancer, and warnings were put on pack labels. Science now has theories about how smoking may have both direct and indirect effects, and we are past the point of legal action by Tobacco Companies. But similar epidemiology studies (for example from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden) show that cows´ dairy is also linked to increased risk of cancer. But farmers vote for MPs. And there are lots of farmers.

 IARC, the International Agency for cancer in Lyon, has declared poor sleeping habits carcinogenic. Research shows that lack of sleep reduces melatonin levels and this is linked (probably via two hormones that melatonin seems to control, IGF-1 and Oestrogen) to increased cancer risk, probably directly and indirectly as melatonin is a powerful antioxidant too. Yet we know that EMFs reduce melatonin levels similarly. 

Some chemicals are directly toxic. Heavy metals like cadmium are linked to kidney cancer; mercury to leukaemia. After World War II the worldwide production of chemicals was 1 million tonnes. Now it approaches 500 million. Some chemical compounds like dioxins are extremely, and directly, toxic. Other chemical compounds like phthalates, parabens and BPA can mimic the action of oestrogen when in the body and have a number of serious and negative effects. They are called xenoestrogens and are endocrine disrupters. The World Health Organisation declared in a 2013 report that they were dangerous and should be kicked out. Oestrogen has been proven since 1994 (by the NCI in the USA) to be a cause of cancer; it fuels the fire.

 Of course there are Government Safe Limits on each of these hormone disrupting chemical ingredients. But firstly, new research has recently shown some of these to be set way too high. Secondly, Governments approve chemicals in parts per million or parts per billion, but hormones are so powerful they can work at levels of parts per trillion, a thousand to a hundred thousand times less concentrated. Thirdly, Dr Ana Soto of the Tufts Cancer Center in the USA has shown that xeno estrogens are cumulative in the body. Individually they may all be below Government safe levels - but cumulatively? The US Cancer Prevention Coalition covers research that shows the lifetime safe toxin level is exceeded by the time a baby reaches 18 months.

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