Extra Pointers for Becoming a Vegan
Becoming a vegan can be a daunting task if you don’t have the proper perspective. Think of it as safeguarding the most important thing in your life – your health. Health is wealth is a clichΓ© that’s entirely true. Without good health, you’re poor. You must take care of your health because it’s fragile. Once it’s “broken”, you may never be able to bring it back again.
The following are vital pointers on becoming a vegan that you must observe to succeed:
1-Plan ahead. Don’t rush into the program without a little pre-planning, in terms of what substitutes you’ll need, and having all the necessary condiments in your kitchen.
2- Taper into veganism slowly. Avoid non-vegan foods gradually. There’s no need to get into the action quickly, only to retreat later.
3- You don’t have to give up on delicious foods because there are several vegan alternatives now that can satisfy even the most judicious palates.
4- Vegan sections of grocery stores, and even 100% vegan stores, can help a lot to achieve your goals. The most difficult challenge is to overcome the flavor that you were used to. But you don’t have to do this, because nowadays, there are many local and online vegan stores that sell vegan alternatives. Not to mention, your local supermarket’s vegan section.
5- Veganism is not only about your diet. It’s also about avoiding using any material that is animal based. Also, any product that came from animal exploitation is prohibited.
6- Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit daily. This will ensure that you’re well on your way towards veganism and good health.
7- Be adventurous - try new vegan products. Who knows? The next product may be to your own liking and personal standards.
8- Vegan alternatives may not have the exact flavor of the original. So be prepared for that. But there are some vegan stores that offer the best. Try different stores and variations of the same product substitute to choose one that suits you best.
9- Be creative with your meals. Find what flavor you want the most out of the variety of fruits and vegetables at your disposal. You’ll never run out of new dishes to try.
10- Be ready to prepare your own dishes. The majority of people are non-vegans, so be ready to prepare your own food. In a restaurant, you can request your own dish, if allowed. If not, you can go to a vegan diner instead. These days, many restaurants have a few vegan selections on their menu to choose from.
11-Get a new wardrobe. In keeping with veganism, you’ll have to wear only clothing without animal based products, and get rid of any furs or skins in your closet. Dress yourself to fit the part.
12- Support anti-animal cruelty programs. Animal exploitation is probably not your thing anyway, so not much of a change here.
13-Team up with another vegan. Teaming up with someone who understands your situation and is in the same boat you are is a superb idea. You can share your problems about being a vegan and help each other solve them.
14- Vegetables can be eaten raw, but ensure that you’ve washed them thoroughly.
15- A juicer is an important device for vegans. This is good for the preparation of fruit and vegetable concoctions. Buy one to make life easier for you. You can prepare a delectable vegan snack if you have a juicer handy, and I guarantee you can make any juice 10x better than what can be bought in stores. Keep in mind a slow masticating juicer is best since it doesn’t heat the juice during the fast spinning of a centrifugal juicer.
16- Find good vegan restaurant within your area. This can be a great help to you, especially if you’re often busy. You can always drop in for a take- home meal.
17- Know your reasons for turning vegan. You must know your reasons so you can go about your endeavor with determination. You can never fight for a cause you’re not aware of.
18-Share your experience with others. As presented above, the outstanding advantages of a vegan diet is good news that people should know about. You can start with your family members and friends.
19- Be prepared to make mistakes. You’ll have to strive every single day to become a vegan and stay a vegan. It can be a rough road for you if you lack confidence and optimism, so you’re bound to make mistakes. You must learn from them and continue striving to achieve your goal.
These are some pointers you can review while undertaking your quest to become a vegan. Your mission is a noble endeavor, so don’t give up. You’re fighting for a chance to live a longer, happier, healthier life.
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