Identity ‘Man is his identity.’
Our identity along with our socio-economic status leads us to evolve an egocentric view of our lives. Our identity is our name, face and personality. Because we have a unique identity we think that we have an anomalous status in the world. We thus traverse through life under the illusion that we are distinct. We live as if we are a god and immortal. As long as we are popular our identity is positive. So as long as we are in demand in life, we remain warm.
But what becomes of old age when we lose our looks and possibly our ability. We never realize our own worthlessness, our own repetition and our own mortality until it is too late. People are deluded when they are sane. They put an over emphasis on their identity and develop a narcissistic view of their existence. They feel they are worthy.
Their identity leads them to believe that they have greater merit in the world than they should. When they should see atoms of tissue they see a face. When they should see letters of a word they see a name. When they should see neurons firing on synapses they see a personality. Our unconscious awareness of our identity (name, face and personality) coupled with the fact that we can talk using language, strives to make man believe he is distinguished.
He comes to regard himself as a god over all other animals. He thus comes to believe that he deserves more in life if he is under achieving. He fails to see that he exists on a planet that is spherical. Daily life is flat and about popularity and family and work. Identity is so important to the world economically for it means man turns a blind eye on the darkness of the universe in favour of this shallow existence we call life.
His identity urges him to conform and hides the existential truth from him. As long as man has an inflated view of his existence through his identity he will not be free. Freedom comes from realizing the awful truths of existence. Freedom comes from the anxiety of life. Be addicted only to your own freedom. We wait for our world to change us, when only we can change our world. One must give birth to themselves daily.
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