Monday, August 19, 2019

Muscle cramp massage oil

Muscle cramp massage oil recipe:

15 drops rosemary
15 drops geranium
10 drops marjoram
5 drops black pepper
5 tablespoons carrier oil

Muscle fatigue massage oil recipe:

10 drops eucalyptus
10 drops rosemary
5 drops thyme
5 drops cypress
2 tablespoons carrier oil

Overworked muscles massage recipe:

5 drops ginger
5 drops eucalyptus
5 drops peppermint
1 tablespoon carrier oil

Essential oils are a most recommended alternative to pharmaceutical drugs when it comes to treating congestions and it’s lately become the prescription medicine approve by reputed doctors. More so with the need to treat side effects of conventional drugs like the vulnerability developed after using allergy medication to developing new allergies or the irritability of the nasal mucous when exposed to harsh flu sprays. 

Whether it’s a cold, polyps, a deviated septum, asthma, sinusitis, stress or heavy smoking, thanks to the nonselective approach of essential oil compounds, these miracle plant extracts can not only alleviate the manifesting symptoms but help the organism repel the virus and reestablish the balance.
Rosemary essential oil is an excellent propeller for the immune system to fight the viral infection; it actually increases the blood flow and promotes the production of white blood cells, the key to removing the free radicals. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, easing the pressure in ultra-tensed areas, like the head and the chest, as well as antiseptic, antimicrobial properties that halt infections. Thyme essential oil can also be useful for its antibacterial properties aided by the diuretic effect which provides the elimination of toxins from the organism.

Tea-tree essential oil is almost the most efficient natural antibiotic that we till now know of, while lime essential oil is a great complementary as it boosts your immune system and nurtures your body functions, it induces vitality and in the same time reduces anxiety. Cypress, ginger, peppermint, eucalyptus, pine essential oils contribute with the clearing of the respiratory tract, cleaning the mucous, relaxing and soothing. Below you’ll find a few recipes for congestion.

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