Friday, August 2, 2019

Vegan Essentials for Those New to Veganism

Vegan Essentials for Those New to Veganism

Some people find becoming a vegan to be challenging, especially if you’re not used to eating vegetables. But over time it becomes easier and easier, until eventually you get to a point where you could never imagine going back to eating meat. Just visualize yourself as a Vegan, and soon enough, you will be! One of the essential factors of success is believing that it’s doable. 

If you’re new to veganism, here are some vegan essentials you must learn.

1- Vegan meat

If you were a meat lover previously, eliminating meat from your diet can be a challenge. That’s why vegan meat essentials are there to help solve this problem. A vegan meat substitute has the same flavor as meat but has a complete vegetable composition. You can easily buy this from your local grocery store, health food grocery store (such as Whole Foods), and even online. Make sure you’ve selected a legitimate site before buying online though. There are so many different versions, tastes, textures, and flavors, I wouldn’t know where to start. Most big grocery stores have entire sections available for your perusing, so I highly recommend setting aside some time to do just that!

2- Vegan sweets

These are healthy alternatives for the “sweet poison” that can destroy all your internal organs. With vegan sweets, you can savor the sweetness without worrying about the toxic effects. These are composed of only fruits and vegetables. When I first went Vegan, my biggest challenge was not being able to eat ice cream. That was until I discovered all the variations of Coconut ice cream out there. Now, I make my own (just because I enjoy it, not because there aren’t plenty of options in the grocery store), and even my non-vegan friends agree it’s better than any ice cream they’ve had! Ice cream is just scratching the surface though. There’s a vegan version of just about every dessert out there, and the internet is a great resource. Try googling “vegan brownies” or “vegan chocolate chip cookies” for example. You’ll be flooded with great recipes for delicious sweet treats!

3-Vegan food supplements 

You should be aware that there are vegan products for just about any non-vegan food supplement you want to use, so don’t worry. You can still enjoy your sumptuous meal with your favorite flavor. There are cheese, milk, butter, parmesan, and bacon that are made purely of vegan components, and they can also be readily procured from your local market. 

4- Non-animal based products

If you’re a vegan, you must also avoid using animal based products such as leather bags, clothing and paraphernalia made from animal skin and material. Now you’re aware of the vegan essentials. You can always follow the latest vegan trends through checking out new offerings from your local supermarket or following vegan blogs online.

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