Friday, August 23, 2019

Rules Of The Ketogenic Diet

Rules Of The Ketogenic Diet


→ Less than 50 grams of net carbs per day, but better at 20 grams at least in the beginning

✓   Most of the carbs should come from non-starchy vegetables

✓   Green, fibrous vegetables are your best choices, though many other low carb vegetables are fine

✓   Always eat a carb food with a protein or a fat, for example have a piece of cheese with cucumbers or salad with chicken.


→ Don’t be afraid of fats. Fat is 90% ketogenic. Remember that in ketosis, fat is the main energy source for the body, helps remove hunger, provides key macronutrient requirements and natural fats are fine when controlling carb intake. They also have many other benefits, including providing the building blocks for several important hormones and bodily structures.

✓   The best fats are monounsaturated and saturated, including olive oil, grass fed butter, red meat, and coconut oil. Margarine is never advised, as it is fake and interferes with ketosis. Natural whole fats are always best.

✓   Limit intake of polyunsaturated fats, including soybean oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil.

✓   Fat intake is variable and depends on weight loss goals.


→ Protein is both 46% ketogenic and 58% anti-ketogenic, as some protein will convert to glucose in the bloodstream and inhibit ketosis, so intake should be enough to prevent muscle loss, but not so much that will disrupt ketosis.

Protein Intake Guidelines

➢   Sedentary lifestyle: 0.69 - 0.8 grams per pound of lean body mass

➢   Mildly active:  0.8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body mass

➢   Heavy strength training/bodybuilding and exercise:

1 to 1.2 grams per pound of lean body mass Lean body mass is typically defined as - body weight minus body fat Men will have a higher lean body mass than women, and typically, it is 60% to 90% of the total body mass.

You can use any of a number of online lean body mass calculators, such as this one to figure yours. If you use a Fat Caliper to measure your exact body fat, than you will get a much more accurate lean body mass index measurement. Keep in mind these protein intake recommendations are just general guidelines. Protein Choices

✓   Fatty red meats, chicken with skin, turkey, eggs, deli meats, seafood and fish

  ✓   Nuts, seeds and full fat dairy such as heavy cream and sour cream should be taken in moderation as these protein sources are higher in carbs than meat, fish or poultry which have zero carbs


→ Eat when hungry until you feel satisfied


→ A little extra salt, can help avoid possible side effects known as keto flu as your body adjusts to ketosis, including including headaches, muscle cramps or weakness that occur as result of an electrolyte imbalance and since a low carb diet is naturally diuretic, you don’t have to avoid salt to minimize water retention. 

  ✓   Get that salt from 1 to 2 cups of broth daily or soy sauce over food Caution:

ask your doctor about increasing salt, and if you are being treated for a condition that requires limited sodium intake, like hypertension continue with the medical advice of your doctor.


→ Water is a natural appetite suppressant and also supports the body’s ability to metabolize fat. Several studies found that reducing intake of water may cause fat deposits to increase, while drinking more reduces them.

Hydration greatly promotes weight loss, so drink lots of fresh water throughout the day. The more active you are the more hydration you will need.


  1. Thank you for the great article, you are an inspiration to all of us. This is a great way I find to lose weight, I hope it helps some others!
