Friday, August 23, 2019

What are The Benefits Of The Ketogenic Diet?

Benefits Of The Ketogenic Diet


According to The CDC and the National Association Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases:

➢   More than 1/3 of the US adult population (35.7%) are obese

➢   More than 1 in 20 people, or 6.3% are extremely obese

➢   74% of men (about 3 in 4 men) are either overweight or obese

➢   The incidence of obesity in both men and women is 36%

Many experts attribute this epidemic in large part to a steady increase over time in the intake of unhealthy carbohydrate rich foods, including table sugar, simple sugars, sweets, refined starches and processed food.

According to one major statistical review (Cohen E, et al., Statistical Review of U.S. Macronutrient Consumption Data, 1965–2011), the number of overweight and obese Americans rose from 42.3% to 66.1% from 1971 to 2011 and during this time:

➢   The consumption of fat decreased from 44.7% to 33.6%

➢   The consumption of carbohydrates increased from 39% to 50% from 1965 to 2011

Experts, such as Dr. Sackner-Bernstein, surmise that statistics imply a link between high carb intake in the American diet and obesity on a societal scale. The analysis protocol of this study used data from various randomized clinical trials, which is the gold standard for assessing whether or not a particular treatment makes a real difference for any particular condition.

Low carb eating results in weight loss, and has done so for thousands of people who have struggled with their weight all of their lives.

Eating Low Carb:

✓   Eliminates those pesky out of control cravings

✓   Stabilizes blood sugar and consequently the appetite

✓   Research has shown that reducing carbohydrate consumption and replacing them with protein and healthy fats results in reducing overall calorie consumption naturally and without starvation.

The side effects of weight loss and healthy weight maintenance are substantial, as obesity is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, reduced quality of life, belly fat, joint problems, autoimmune disease, and premature death.

This is one of the main reasons that Keto is not a fad diet or a temporary solution; it is a lifestyle change that allows you to lose excess weight and maintain a healthy weight for ongoing health benefits.


Since low carb eating eliminates insulin triggers, (sugars and starches) it is the diet of choice for those with prediabetes or those already diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Eating a low carb diet reduces the need for the body to produce insulin, which is used to break down the glucose converted from diertay carbs in the blood stream.

High carb intake = high glucose = high insulin = high body fat

Reducing carb intake or insulin trigger foods, reduces the production of insulin in the body, and prevents the erratic blood sugar spikes that may lead to insulin resistance.

If this cycle continues, it eventually leads to metabolic syndrome, which is a set of conditions related to insulin resistance, and includes heart disease, obesity, fatty liver, and type 2 diabetes. Of course, anyone who is considering changes to their diet should consult their doctor.

This is particularly the case if you are taking medication for your diabetes, as this may need to be adjusted too.


Research has shown that a low carb diet can help to reduce levels of visceral fat specifically rather than the superficial subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat or belly fat is the most dangerous type of fat that is deeply embedded around major organs inside the body and a recent large study showed a significant correlation between waist size and reduced life expectancy in both men and women.


High blood pressure poses serious risks for heart disease and stroke. A low carb diet may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. 

  Other Benefits Or Uses Of A Low Carb Diet Include…

✓   May lower risks for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke

✓   May lower risks for gallbladder disease

✓   The ketogenic diet is used to treat several types of cancer and to slow the growth of tumors

✓   The ketogenic diet is also used to treat traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and polycystic ovary syndrome

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