Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Power of Being In the Moment

The Power of Being In the Moment

The most enjoyable moments are the ones where we are fully immersed in what we are doing. When we are intently focused on one single thing is when we experience peace of mind. In other words, no thought. Since the act of thinking is responsible for much unhappiness and suffering in the world, it would be worthwhile to transcend thought altogether. Without thought, there is only peace and pure bliss. 

Most people can’t imagine what it would be like to not think. Thinking is the human condition, but it can be a blessing or a curse. Thinking is actually not necessary in many cases. There lies an incredible intelligence in our bodies that has the ability to guide us through life successfully, more successfully, in fact, than if we were to think our way through life. Thinking clouds our instinct and intuition and can actually inhibit our progress. When we are completely free of thought and in the present moment, we can make decisions with ease and experience happiness in everything we do. Even the simplest of things can bring you immense joy when you experience them as they are, that is to say experience them without judging or labeling them in any way. You’ve experienced this state of no thought before. Think back to some of the best moments of your entire life. It’s very likely that those moments were spent in a state of no thought, and that’s exactly why those moments were so enjoyable. 

There are a variety of ways that you can get into the present moment and experience no thought, but the easiest of them all is to simply do the activity that brings you the most joy. Perhaps it’s playing a musical instrument, reading, hiking outdoors, or spending time with your children. Whatever it is that you thoroughly enjoy, you should do more of it. Immerse yourself in the activities that get you out of your head and into the present moment, because those activities serve a great purpose. 

They serve the purpose of allowing you to realize your true nature and showing you that joy and happiness is your natural state beneath all the layers of thought you have accumulated over the years. While these activities may seem like only temporary relief from your pain,
they actually allow you to evolve and heal your pain. When you find your bliss and immerse yourself in it, you are one step closer to realizing that happiness is always available to you. The more bliss you experience, the easier it is to find it again. Eventually, you will be able to feel happy at your own choosing, no matter the circumstances. 

Here are a few other ways you can get into the present moment and experience greater peace of mind:

Exercise -

The act of physical exercise naturally takes your attention away from your thoughts and into your body. When your attention is within your body, you are in the present moment. This is one reason people find sports so enjoyable. Since they are in the present moment, the activity brings them a profound sense of inner peace and calm.

Meditation -

Basic meditation involves sitting in silence and doing nothing but focusing your attention on your breathing. This is great practice for getting into the present moment. Being in the present moment always involves focusing on one thing at a time, so any activity that forces you concentrate on a single task is beneficial. I strongly encourage everyone I know to start a meditation practice, as it is one of the most effective long term strategies for attaining higher levels of awareness and inner peace.

Artistic Pursuits -

The creation of all forms of art are extremely enjoyable for the artists, once again because it brings them into the present moment. This state of mind is sometimes called the “flow state.” It is a state of mind where the perception of time is lost and deep concentration takes place. In other words, a place where you can lose your mind and come to your senses. The activities that bring us this sensation of peace are a gift to us and a gift to the world as well, because only in that special state can we create the best art, the kind that comes from our heart.

Do more of what you love to do, and you will experience more happiness and have more love to give to others. Many people who seem cold and withdrawn from the world are people who feel as if they have little to live for. If they only discovered their passion and lost themselves in artistic expression of that passion, they would have more to live for than they could now imagine. 

Doing what you love and what makes you happy is not selfish. It is one of the most generous things you could do for others. Only when your cup is full can you give anything away. Find your bliss so that others may be inspired to do the same.

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