The rules for the potato hack are simple.
If you are eating something that is not a potato, you are doing it wrong. The potato hack is for those people who gain weight easily, have a hard time losing or maintaining weight, or for anyone who wants to reset their metabolism or digestion. The potato hack is the ultimate “elimination diet.”
The Rules:
1.Plan on eating just potatoes for 3 to 5 days
2.Eat 2-5 pounds of potatoes each day
3.No other foods allowed (this includes butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon bits!)
4.Salt allowed, but not encouraged
5.Drink when thirsty: coffee, tea, and water only
6.Heavy exercise is discouraged; light exercise and walking are encouraged
7.Take your normal medications, but dietary supplements will not be needed
Expected results from 3-5 days of the Potato Hack:
•Fat loss of 3-5 pounds without hunger
•Reduction in inflammation and joint pain
•Reduction in digestive complaints
•Increased insulin sensitivity, lower fasting blood glucose levels
•Restoration of healthy intestinal bacteria
•Additional weight loss upon resumption of normal diet
•For weight loss, simply repeat the 3-5 day hacks weekly or every other week until you are at your goal weight
•Extra money in your pocket! The potato hack is cheap.
•An appreciation for hunger, food, and the knowledge that you can change your metabolism‟Our word for it, the experiment will prove a good one; and the prescription costs no money, but, what is incomparably better, an amount of self-denial which is possessed only by a few (Potato Diet, 1849).
Many of us have a tendency to gain weight as we get older and most of us gain weight in the winter. The trouble with “winter weight” is that it does not magically melt in the spring like the snowman in your yard. The National Institutes of Health describe this as unintentional weight gain, or “weight that you gain without trying to do so when you are not eating or drinking more.
” They attribute this unintentional weight gain mostly to an aging metabolism, hormones, and drugs. Emotional stress, cessation of smoking, or working night shifts can also cause unintentional weight gain. A periodic potato hack can erase this unintentional weight gain. More about weight maintenance and long-term diets later! After a couple days of potato hacking, many people report that, for the first time in years, they are not hungry. People report better sleep and habitual snorers stop snoring. Those that have watched an un-budging scale for months or years report daily losses of ½ to 1 pound, and the weight does not come back on, as in other “crash” diets. The most incredible aspect of the potato diet is not the erasure of pounds or the disappearance of an achy joint but the new appreciation of the foods you take for granted in your normal diet. Your taste buds will feel alive. You will appreciate every morsel you put into your mouth. You will finally understand the phrase, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat!”
‟We have tried it not for months, but a few days at a time—long enough to satisfy us of its good effects; long enough, too, to teach us well how good bread and apples and peaches are. We are far from believing that God created wheat, rye, corn, barley, buckwheat, etc.; chestnuts, beechnuts, butternuts, walnuts, etc., etc.; apples, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, and ten thousand other delicious things, not to be eaten by man (Potato Diet, 1849).
What I have seen personally, and in the many hundreds whom I’ve convinced to give the potato hack a try, is that eating in this fashion will cause rapid fat loss with no loss of muscle tone or dehydration. Losses of 1 pound per day are common. Sustained weight loss of 3-4 pounds per week is commonly reported from people who have been unable to lose weight by any other means or who have been stalled in a weight loss plateau for months. The human body is an amazing piece of machinery and is fully capable of extracting all the nutrition it needs from the humble potato. So whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 100, give the potato hack a try. You’ll love the 3-5 day increments...and you’ll love the results.
‟Lean men grow fat, and fatmen become lean—lean as they ought to be. And so all grow better in health. (Potato Diet, 1849).
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