Thursday, October 3, 2019

Super Simple Luxurious Lotion

Super Simple Luxurious Lotion 

This particular lotion is a little heavier than your standard one, so you will need to place the lotion in a container as opposed to a pump bottle. The grapeseed oil extract is a natural preservative, meaning you can store this lotion for a lot longer than you would most homemade products. 

Makes: 16 ounces 


1 cup almond oil
 ½ cup coconut oil
 ½ cup beeswax 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 ½ teaspoon grapeseed oil extract 


1-Sterilize your containers. Place the ingredients in a clean glass jar.

2- Create a water bath in a saucepan, and place the jar in the saucepan long enough to allow the ingredients to melt. 

3-Mix the ingredients together, and pour the lotion in the sterilized containers. Allow it to set. 

4-You can store this lotion, unopened, for up to approximately 6 months.

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