Tuesday, August 13, 2019

External benefits of aloe vera

External benefits of aloe vera:

Eternal health benefits of aloe vera cannot be neglected. Aloe vera gel is widely used topically to treat various skin anomalies in animals.

1- Anti-parasites:
Aloe vera can be a used as mosquito repellent for animals. As animals usually a live in unhygienic environment so, aloe vera helps in keeping mosquitoes away.
Aloe vera is sprayed to the skin of animals. Your pet may dislike the sound of the spray. Well, in that case, take aloe vera gel and massage into the skin of your animal.

2- Care of skin and fur:
Aloe vera is perfect for care of skin and fur. It softens the skin and removes dead skin cells. It acts as a conditioner for fur. All you have to do is to apply aloe vera gel to the skin and fur and then massage for a while to let it absorbed into the skin, then rinse it off after few minutes. After drying you will feel the smoothness of fur.

3- For healing wounds and cuts:
Animals are highly prone to get injured. Aloe vera, the healer plant, is also effective in minor cuts or injuries of animals. First of all clean the wound with clear tap water. Apply aloe vera gel on it. It will disinfect the site of injury and will promote healing with the formation of new cells.

4- Calves hair growth:
Calves may occasionally lose hair of their back. This hair loss is not smooth. It occurs in the form of patches. Some of the veterinarians say that this condition may be because of some kind of infection or allergic reaction. After hair loss, the affected area is exposed to sun light and there is increased risk of sun burn.

In this condition using aloe vera gel will be helpful. Apply thin layer of aloe vera to the affected skin. It will play its role to lock moisture in the skin and promote hair growth. Aloe vera gel will protect the skin from sun burn. It will also treat the underlying cause of hair loss.

Animals usually lick it off but it is ok. Don’t think of applying it again. Some of its nutrients are absorbed by the skin while remaining enters in blood stream via gut and help to treat its root main cause.

5- Itchy dogs:
Some of dogs are highly sensitive to flea bites. Affected skin has severe kind of irritation. This condition is common in dogs only. Aloe vera is useful in this condition. Apply aloe vera gel to the affected skin. It will give a soothing effect by relieving pain and also suppresses allergic reaction. Daily application will result in betterment.

day Precaution while using Aloe vera for Animals:

1- Aloe vera is good for all but still care should be taken while using it.

2-Always keep in mind the recommended dose for your animal.

3- Do not over dose your animal as it may be harmful for health.

4- If Aloe vera not effective to treat then consult doctor to seek advice.

5-Always seek advice in case of severe injuries.

6-Always ask your doctor before using it in combination with other drugs.

7-Avoid using Aloe vera in milk producing animals, as some of its ingredients may appear in the blood.

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