Showing posts with label Nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutrition. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2019

What is the ketogenic diet?

What Is The Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic diet (keto) is an eating plan that features a very low intake of carbohydrates, which are macronutrients found in food.

Low carb diets are eating plans that typically lower the intake of carbs to below 100 grams per day, the Ketogenic diet is the most strict of these and limits intake to less than 50 grams per day, preferably starting with 20 grams.

It is most important to understand that keto is not a fad diet, or a temporary solution to weight loss, it is actually designed to be a lifestyle plan that not only results in successful weight loss, but also promotes overall health, energy, and vitality.

It eliminates junk and processed food by definition, as most carbs are just that allowing you to eat clean, whole food for better overall health and wellness. While some may question how sustainable it really is to drastically lower carb intake, in reality, it is quite easy with the wide variety of whole foods available, and several studies show they offer better results for weight loss than low fat diets, or even low calorie diets.

One of the reasons for this, besides various metabolic processes in the body, is that reducing carb intake naturally regulates the appetite, so people find they eat less naturally because they are satisfied and without starvation. 

In general, a keto diet may be ideal for the overweight and obese, diabetics, anyone who needs to improve their metabolic health and for various other health reasons.

Types Of Ketogenic Diets

Keto is flexible and there are three distinct plans that target different goals.

Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)

This one is very low in carbs, with moderate protein, and high in healthy fats.

➢   The ratio is typically, 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs

High-Protein Ketogenic Diet

This plan is similar to SKD, but incudes more protein.

➢   The ratio is typically 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet or CKD

This plan is widely used by athletes, bodybuilders, weight lifters and anyone participating in high intensity exercise and features short periods of high carb intake

➢   5 keto days followed by 2 high carb intake days

Targeted Ketogenic Diet or TKD

This plan is also used by bodybuilders, athletes and those who workout regularly to fuel intense workouts.

➢   High load carb intake based around workouts

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Scientifically proven anticancer products (turmeric, vitamin D, black seed, broccoli, and others)

Scientifically proven anticancer products (turmeric, vitamin D, black seed, broccoli, and others) 

There is plenty of scientific evidence that these products have anticancer effects. Turmeric is supported by the largest amount of scientific evidence, closely followed by vitamin D (link). I am mentioning black seed (Nigella sativa) and ginseng too because these plant products are known to be effective against many diseases, and there is scientific evidence of anticancer properties as well, albeit much less evidence in comparison with turmeric and vitamin D. Turmeric is believed to be a panacea among Hindus, whereas black seed is thought to be a panacea among Muslims. 

There is a saying that black seed can cure everything but death. Indeed there is evidence that black seed and its major active ingredient (thymoquinone) are effective against many diseases (link, link). You can think of turmeric and black seed as universal metabolism normalizers. Normalization of metabolism is what you need with cancer because currently there is growing evidence that cancer is a metabolic disease.
You can do some research on the websites and My advice is to learn how to search correctly.1) This scientific evidence is more reliable than the evidence supporting conventional cancer treatments because the researchers who studied these plant products in most cases did not have conflicts of interest. These products are not patented and cannot bring multibillion-dollar profits to corporations. Scientific articles about these anticancer products were not published by ghost writers hired by corporations. 

The amount of corruption and scientific fraud is not nearly as big as that associated with standard cancer treatments. You need to study the possible adverse effects of these products and my advice is to use a combination of theseproducts. Even if there is no scientific evidence about your particular type of cancer, you can still take advantage of these beneficial remedies because they are much safer and cheaper than conventional treatments and because anticancer treatments typically are effective against many types of cancer. Note that there are three species of ginseng, American, Siberian, and Korean, and you need to choose the one that has been tested against your type of cancer if possible. 

For maximal effectiveness, it is best to consume turmeric in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 min before breakfast: a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a small amount of warm soup or salad. On days when you do not consume turmeric, eat a teaspoon of pulverized black seed or black seed oil with a small amount of warm soup or salad in the morning. For example, you can try the following regimen: three days of turmeric and one day of black seed, and repeat this cycle for as long as necessary (you can do this for life if you like). In addition, consume a tablespoon of cod liver (canned is OK) per day; this is the best source vitamin D.

Optionally, brief sun-bathing or UV-tanning sessions (1 minute on four sides) can be included too. Thisis a different source of vitamin D, and moderate sunbathing also serves as hormesis. Take ginseng extract at noon twice a week. Because turmeric, black seed, and ginseng act against blood coagulation, if you get nosebleeds with this regimen, then reduce your dose twofold. Your diet should be diverse and healthy if you want to normalize your metabolism and beat cancer.

 If your nutrition consists primarily of junk food, then your chances of winning will be much lower. If and when you recover from cancer, you may choose to reduce your dose of these products twofold or you can continue the same regimen for life. Many studies show that an active ingredient of one of these plants (i.e., a purified chemical) is effective against cancer. 

My advice is to consume the whole foods (or crude extracts) instead of purified ingredients. For example, eat turmeric powder added to soup instead of popping curcumin pills. Foods are safer than pure chemicals and should be as effective or even more effective. Artificial vitamins and minerals are not assimilated well by the human body and are mostly excreted with urine. Besides, they do not have the same effects on your body as do vitamins and minerals that come with food, i.e., in a “natural package.” For example, consumption of antioxidant-rich foods improves the outcomes of cancer, whereas consumption of artificial antioxidant pills, such as vitamin E, can worsen the outcomes of cancer patients. Remember that lifestyle changes, vitamin-rich foods, herbs, and herbal extracts are the safest therapeutic methods; next we have natural chemicals (which occur in nature such as vitamins and curcumin), which are less safe for your health; and the last place belongs to invented chemicals (do not occur in nature, e.g., most of patented pharmaceutical drugs), which pose the greatest risks for health, as do surgical methods and many other modalities of conventional medicine. 
A pure chemical may fix one problem in your body but will create 10 other problems, this is also true of artificial vitamins. You need vitamins in their natural packaging: as regular foods. If your goal is to become healthy, then you need to use food as medicine, not drugs as medicine. Nobody will identify a single "active ingredient" that will replace a healthy diet. You need to consume real diverse foods and do many other things as part of your lifestyle to maintain and achieve good health.

In addition, there is a large amount of scientific data on the anticancer properties of pomegranate, soy, broccoli, and green tea. You can see these products and their active ingredients near the top of the list of scientifically proven anticancer products on the Greenmedinfo website (link). For this reason, it will make sense for you to include 50–100 grams (2 to 3 oz.) of raw broccoli into your daily nutrition, preferably passed through a blender. 

For example, you can make puree from tomatoes and broccoli. I do not recommend soy and soy products (such as soy milk) because they cause a lot of gas, but you can give them a try if you wish. Given that green tea contains caffeine (actually more than coffee does), drink a cup of green tea at breakfast, not in the evening. I recommend raw (freshly pressed) pomegranate juice for several reasons. The juice will be less taxing on your teeth. There are substantial scientific data showing that pomegranate (link) and its ingredients (vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols, link) are effective against cancer. When I am sick and have no appetite, the only thing I can consume is pomegranate juice or orange juice. If they are freshly pressed, then they make me feel better immediately and improve appetite too.

 Which leads me to believe that these two raw juices are the healthiest food one can imagine. If you are so sick that you can't eat, then you can consume up to 1.0–1.5 liters (quarts) of pomegranate juice per day. Otherwise, drink one glass a day for prophylaxis. If you don't have access to raw pomegranate juice, then drink freshly pressed orange juice instead. In the worst-case scenario, drink pasteurized pomegranate or orange juice. In the town where I live, I can buy freshly pressed pomegranate juice at a local farmer's market year round. Keep in mind that if you have cancer, only turmeric, natural sources of vitamin D, soy, and broccoli are mandatory among the products described in this chapter because scientific evidence is strong-to-overwhelming. All other products are optional because the amount of evidence is lower. At this time, I do not recommend CBD hemp oil as a remedy for cancer, even though there is some good supporting evidence. First, this product is not legal in all geographic areas; second, you cannot be sure that you will be buying CBD hemp oil. This is an unregulated market currently at the stage of anarchy (or Wild West).Regarding apricot seed kernels, unfortunately, there is not enough evidence at present. Nevertheless, you can include moderate amounts of apricot kernels into your diet, whether you have cancer or not. I do not recommend the pure chemical from apricot kernels that is believed to have anticancer effects: amygdalin. Even if this chemical really has anticancer properties, consuming it in the form of apricot kernels will be safer and better for your health. 

Besides, you should not focus on any one food product or method to fight cancer. Your goal should be to comprehensively overhaul your lifestyle, i.e., to make many changes in your way of life. The central hypothesis of this ebook is that cancer is caused by a suboptimal lifestyle combined with some genetic predisposition. Accordingly, switching to a better lifestyle will normalize your metabolism, improve your immune system, and should cure cancer. 1)For example, the search string hepatitis[Title] AND "liver cancer"[Title/Abstract] returns articles where the word hepatitis is mentioned in the title and phrase "liver cancer" occurs in the title or abstract; you can use operators NOT andOR in a similar fashion. You can also use parentheses and construct long search strings with dozens of operators.

Medical plants affect on cancer and tumor

Short description of plant’s effects related to cancers Additional information Uses - various forms of the plant with some dosage information Uses - does not mean that this is the way to use or prepare the plant for cancers. It is only the most reliable information I have on preparing or ingesting a particular plant. You will find a variety of products with the following plants.


Aloe Barbadensis/Capensis/Vera is anti-neoplastic, specifically, Emodin in Aloe is useful in controlling HER-2/neu overexpressing cancer cells. Aloe enhances vitamin absorption, is antibacterial and antiviral. It is also beneficial for the following symptoms - colitis, ulcers, inflammation. Cleopatra and the Empress Josephine used Aloe for their skin/complextion. Some herbalists use it for skin cancer. Good for sun burn, burns and radiation burns.

uses - Aloe is used externally and internally. Grow your own, break off a fresh leaf and apply the juice topically.


Foetida Ferula Foetida is antitumoural in animal experiments and a mild intestinal disinfectant. Used in sauces, lentils, also in Sambar a south Indian dish.
Ash Fraxinus Excelsior Ash bark is an
antioxidant, it also counteracts fever and inflammation. The fresh bark, the branch bark, fresh and dried leaves are the medicinal part. Ash bark preparations have been used as a tonic and to treat fever. 

uses - Available as an herbal supplement, also, tea can be prepared by soaking 3 teaspoons of drug in 2 glasses of hot water, traditionally used as a tonic and for fever.


Astragalus Species reduces the side effects and enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy in cancer patients. An extract of Astragalus increased tumor cell killing activity. Studies show improved survival rates with small cell lung cancer and leukopenia.

Astragalus is considered an antioxidant, it is an immune stimulant as well as an immune modulator, also considered chemopreventive. 

uses - From the Asian market - boil 2 ounces dried Astragalus root, remove root, add liquid to soup stock. Also available as capsule, liquid or tea.


 Berberis vulgaris Barberry root bark contains berberine and berbamine. The fruit has some, but not as much as the root bark. 

Berberine is mentioned in Goldenseal for its anticancer properties. Research from India shows promising results for berbamine against chronic myeloid leukemia. In-vitro testing of berberine showed anti-tumor activity against osteosarcoma, lung, liver, prostate and breast cancer. Overdosage(root bark) 4 mg, no warnings on fruit. Occasionally you'll find a store that sells herbs in bulk. I bought about 20 different herbs and have been trying various teas. After finding this information I brewed up some Barberry Root Bark tea. Used about one teaspoonfull to a pot of water in a coffee maker. Not bad, Neem is a bitter and tastes bitter.Barberry has mellow taste to it. 

uses - 1 to 2 teaspoons of Barberry fruit in 150 ml hot water, strain after 10 to 15 minutes procedure for berberine hydrochloride described. For Root bark, a tea is mentioned, however no dosage information is given.


Pod Phaseolus Vulgaris contains polyphenols which helps prevent cells from mutating.Approved by Germany's Commission E for infections of the urinary tract and bladder stones. Bean Pod was one of the stables of the Native Americans - maize, squash and beans. Common Names - Common Bean, Green Bean, Kidney Bean, Pinto Bean, Navy Bean, Black BeanBilberry Vaccinium Myrtillus studies show potent antioxidant activity. Antineoplastic or anti-carcinogenic activity has been demonstrated in vitro. For approximately 1000 years, Bilberry has been used in European medicine. Bilberry syrups, wines, cakes, jams, muffins, pies - take your pick, eat fresh, stay healthy.

uses - Bilberry jam at a health food store, if they don't carry it, ask them to order some. Also available as a supplement, usually with Lutein for eye health.

Black Cohosh Cimicifuga 

Racemosa extract at high concentration inhibited human breast adenocarcinoma cells. Study with breast cancer survivors showed reduced hot flashes in premenopausal women with minimal ill effects. Current studies do not indicate Black Cohosh should not be used with women who have breast cancer. Red Clover is estrogenic and should not be taken by women with breast cancer. Not recommended for use longer than 6 months. Native Americans have used Black Cohosh for depression, sore throats, kidney problems and gynecological disorders.

uses - Capsules 60 to 545 mg. Menopause 40 to 200 mg daily. 

Blessed Thistle Cnicus Benedictus 

has amaroid cnicin which is antitumoural. Also known as St. Benedict's thistle, the Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation recommends its use to promote lactation in nursing mothers.
Should not be used during pregnancy. Considered a nuisance around here (NC), grows like a weed. The root is edible, boil and eat. Eat the heads like an artichoke. Used to be considered a cure all and a vegetable.

uses - Tea - boil 150 ml water with 1.5 to 2 g, steep 5 to 10 minutes.

Burdock Arctium Lappa 

has no human clinical trials, only animal and in vitro. An extract showed activity against 5 human cancer cell lines. Burdock also exhibited anti-mutagenic and anti-oxidant effects. Burdock was cultivated as a vegetable in the Middle Ages, recently it has been used in the macrobiotic diet. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What is the (POTATO Hack) ?


The rules for the potato hack are simple.

 If you are eating something that is not a potato, you are doing it wrong. The potato hack is for those people who gain weight easily, have a hard time losing or maintaining weight, or for anyone who wants to reset their metabolism or digestion. The potato hack is the ultimate “elimination diet.”

The Rules:

1.​Plan on eating just potatoes for 3 to 5 days
2.​Eat 2-5 pounds of potatoes each day

3.​No other foods allowed (this includes butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon bits!) 

4.​Salt allowed, but not encouraged 

5.​Drink when thirsty: coffee, tea, and water only

6.​Heavy exercise is discouraged; light exercise and walking are encouraged

7.​Take your normal medications, but dietary supplements will not be needed

Expected results from 3-5 days of the Potato Hack:

•​Fat loss of 3-5 pounds without hunger

•​Reduction in inflammation and joint pain

•​Reduction in digestive complaints 

•​Increased insulin sensitivity, lower fasting blood glucose levels 

•​Restoration of healthy intestinal bacteria

•​Additional weight loss upon resumption of normal diet

•​For weight loss, simply repeat the 3-5 day hacks weekly or every other week until you are at your goal weight

•​Extra money in your pocket! The potato hack is cheap. 

•​An appreciation for hunger, food, and the knowledge that you can change your metabolism‟Our word for it, the experiment will prove a good one; and the prescription costs no money, but, what is incomparably better, an amount of self-denial which is possessed only by a few (Potato Diet, 1849). 

Many of us have a tendency to gain weight as we get older and most of us gain weight in the winter. The trouble with “winter weight” is that it does not magically melt in the spring like the snowman in your yard. The National Institutes of Health describe this as unintentional weight gain, or “weight that you gain without trying to do so when you are not eating or drinking more.

” They attribute this unintentional weight gain mostly to an aging metabolism, hormones, and drugs. Emotional stress, cessation of smoking, or working night shifts can also cause unintentional weight gain. A periodic potato hack can erase this unintentional weight gain. More about weight maintenance and long-term diets later! After a couple days of potato hacking, many people report that, for the first time in years, they are not hungry. People report better sleep and habitual snorers stop snoring. Those that have watched an un-budging scale for months or years report daily losses of ½ to 1 pound, and the weight does not come back on, as in other “crash” diets. The most incredible aspect of the potato diet is not the erasure of pounds or the disappearance of an achy joint but the new appreciation of the foods you take for granted in your normal diet. Your taste buds will feel alive. You will appreciate every morsel you put into your mouth. You will finally understand the phrase, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat!”

‟We have tried it not for months, but a few days at a time—long enough to satisfy us of its good effects; long enough, too, to teach us well how good bread and apples and peaches are. We are far from believing that God created wheat, rye, corn, barley, buckwheat, etc.; chestnuts, beechnuts, butternuts, walnuts, etc., etc.; apples, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, and ten thousand other delicious things, not to be eaten by man (Potato Diet, 1849).

What I have seen personally, and in the many hundreds whom I’ve convinced to give the potato hack a try, is that eating in this fashion will cause rapid fat loss with no loss of muscle tone or dehydration. Losses of 1 pound per day are common. Sustained weight loss of 3-4 pounds per week is commonly reported from people who have been unable to lose weight by any other means or who have been stalled in a weight loss plateau for months. The human body is an amazing piece of machinery and is fully capable of extracting all the nutrition it needs from the humble potato. So whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 100, give the potato hack a try. You’ll love the 3-5 day increments...and you’ll love the results.

‟Lean men grow fat, and fatmen become lean—lean as they ought to be. And so all grow better in health. (Potato Diet, 1849).

10 Smoothies That Melt Belly Fat

1-Strawberry and Coconut Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 2 cups frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp coconut butter
  • 1 nectarine, chopped
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

2-Revitalizing Tomato Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 1-2 cubes frozen spinach
  • 3 tomatoes, cut
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • ½ celery rib, chopped
  • ½ cup mint leaves 
> a pinch of salt and black pepper
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

3-Detox Support Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 1-2 ice cubes
  • 1 cup water
  • ½ avocado, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1/2 raw beet, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • black pepper and salt, to taste
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

4-Peach and Cucumber Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 2-3 ice cubes
  • 1 small cucumber, peeled and chopped 1/2 banana, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large peach, chopped
Combine the ice, water, banana, peach and cucumber in a high speed blender. Blend until smooth and serve.

5-Camomile, Peach and Ginger Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 4-5 ice cubes
  • 1 cup camomile tea
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 2 large peaches, chopped
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

6-Strawberry and Arugula Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 2 cups frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 10-12 arugula leaves
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Combine ice, almond milk, strawberries, arugula and cinnamon in a high speed blender. Blend until smooth and serve.

7-Emma's Amazing Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min 
  • 1 frozen banana, chopped
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 large nectarine, sliced
  • 1/2 zucchini, peeled and chopped
  • 2-3 dates, pitted
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.
appliednutrition, Green Tea Fat Burner, 90 Fast-Acting Liquid Soft-Gels

8-Good-To-Go Morning Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min 
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup apple juice
  • 1 banana, chopped
  • 1 cup raw asparagus, chopped
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

9-Endless Energy Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min 
  • 1 frozen banana, chopped
  • 11/2 cup green tea
  • 1 cup chopped pineapple
  • 2 raw asparagus spears, chopped
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

10-High-fibre Fruit Smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep time: 2-3 min
  • 1 frozen banana, chopped
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 2 cups chopped papaya
  • 1 cup shredded cabbage
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mediterranean Spices and Herbs

  • Mediterranean cuisine is built around whole foods, healthy fats, seafood and fish, and fresh ingredients. The Mediterranean cuisine is famous not only because it is body nourishing, but also because it is very appealing.
  • Thanks to the use of quality and rich spices and herbs, Mediterranean dishes are distinctive and flavorful.
  • What would the Mediterranean cuisine be without rosemary, thyme, basil, and the many other aromatic herbs? These herbs contain the spiciness and aroma of the landscape, the energy and the fire of the Mediterranean sun, and last but not least, the beauty of the unique cultural landscape around the Mediterranean.
  • Herbs not only provide excellent taste, but are also very healthy and can easily be used as an alternative to salt. They stimulate the metabolism, promote digestion, and relieve inflammation. The herbal kitchen is also useful for minor complaints such as coughs and headaches.
  • Top priority when using herbs: they should be as fresh as possible. When dried, they lose much of their flavor. Still, this is not a fundamental rule, as discussed later in the text. Almost every household nowadays has a small herb garden. This is modern, as well as so convenient.
  • What is now a “chic” thing to us was normal more than 100 years ago. At that time, the supermarkets did not have the variety of spices to choose from, not to mention finished sauces or ready meals. The housewives had no other way to make tasty food.
  • In the Mediterranean cuisine, herbs and spices are often used. The most common are garlic, rosemary, sage, basil, and thyme. All herbs listed below give the Mediterranean cuisine its favorite flavor.


Taste: sharp and very powerful, intense Fits well with: soups, sauces, steaks, and stews 


Flavor: spicy, peppery-spicy, slightly sweetish note Fits well with: tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, and the resulting dishes such as tomato soup; also salads, stews, mussels, and egg dishes


Flavor: herb-spicy, slightly bitter Fits well with: poultry, strong meat and lamb dishes


Taste: spicy-bitter, balsamic odor Fits well with: salads, poultry, tomatoes, minestrone, and mince


Taste: spicy tart flavor Fits well with: vegetable soup, spaghetti sauces, tomato salad, mushroom dishes, omelets, and potatoes


Taste: spicy, tart and slightly bitter Fits well with: fish, sheep's cheese, tomato soup, carrots, vegetables, and pizza


Taste: uniquely fresh, menthol-containing Fits well with: 
 sauces, pea soup, potatoes, and especially desserts


Taste: piquant-tart and slightly peppery taste Fits: soups, 
 fish, salads, and sauces


Taste: very peculiar, mildly peppery, slightly sweet, either one likes it, or one does not - who does not like it describes the taste as unpleasantly soapy Fits well with: poultry, salads, pies, cakes, carrots, and pickled fruits 
  • Spices and herbs are of great importance in the Mediterranean cuisine because the composition of spices makes the dishes of the Mediterranean kitchen create exceptional taste experiences!
  • Mediterranean cuisine cannot be imagined without certain spices and herbs! Basil is one of the most important Mediterranean spices. The noble and slightly peppery flavor of the basil makes it an absolute must in Mediterranean cuisine. The best-known use for basil is Pesto a laGenovese, which is made up of basil of pine nuts, garlic, parmesan, and plenty of olive oil. For a long time, basil was known as a pizza herb, but soon oregano replaced it.
  • Oregano, like basil, is one of the most famous spices for Mediterranean cuisine, and both are used in combination with seasoning. As a single spice, oregano is known and famous in Italy for its use on hot, beloved pizza. In Greece, on the other hand, it is often seasoned with dried oregano, such as, for example, sheep's cheese or olives. Also, the spicy Greek peasant salad and hearty meat dishes, such as gyros or souvlaki, give oregano its unique taste! Naturally, we also offer mixed spice mixes such as our pizza spices, sheep cheese spices, and gyro spices.
  • The combination of fresh ingredients and dried spices and herbs makes the Mediterranean cuisine so incomparable!
  • Many believe that fresh spices have a more intense flavor than dried spices. The Mediterranean cuisine is proof that dried spices can taste just as aromatic and intense, if not even more intensively, than the fresh spices. These Mediterranean spices include oregano, thyme, and bay leaves. Surely you know the incredible aromatic flavor of rosemary? The dry seasoning has a much more intense and aromatic taste than the fresh spice. Rosemary should, therefore, be eaten sparingly when cooking since otherwise, the flavor can quickly turn into bitterness. Rosemary is very popular in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in Italian cuisine, and is part of different Mediterranean spice mixes, such as Italian Blend.


The Basics of the Mediterranean Diet

The Basics of the Mediterranean Diet

Fruits and vegetables for every occasion

  • Salad as an appetizer, vegetables as a side dish, and fruit for dessert… In the Mediterranean countries, there is no meal without fresh fruit and vegetables. Whether vitamin C, B or A, magnesium or zinc, fruits and vegetables provide micronutrients which play an essential role in all areas of our health. So do not hesitate to consume - apple to zucchini - because of the more colorful the selection, the greater the variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals!

Plenty of legumes Legumes 

  • such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc. – are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet and can be used in various combinations, and with herbs and spices. In salads, soups and stews, as a main dish, garnish, dip or sauce, legumes are a good source of high-quality vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates, which in the form of softening fibers stimulate the digestion, prevent obesity, and reduce the risk of illness.

Vegetable oils

  • Olive oil is found in every Mediterranean household and is used for almost all dishes and preparations. The values in the olive oil are its mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, since they improve the flow properties of the blood, reduce blood pressure, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. But also, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, and hemp oil are among the top candidates for healthcare products.

Lots of herbs

  • Rosemary, basil, coriander… Herbs are omnipresent in the Mediterranean cuisine and lend many dishes to their particular flavor. Their healthy compounds and essential oils can stimulate metabolism, promote digestion, and relieve inflammation. These popular herbs in combination with garlic are particularly beneficial because it acts as an antibacterial, keeps the vessel walls elastic, and prevents cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Generously seasoned dishes are not only delicious but also require less salt.

More fish than red meat

  • Fresh fish is one of the treasures of the Mediterranean. Fish and seafood provide high-quality protein that is easily digestible and does not pollute the body. Valuable omega-3 fatty acids and minerals such as iodine and zinc also protect against inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and promote brain functions.
And finally...
  • Enjoy your daily meals with genuine Mediterranean mentality - relaxed and to the fullest. It means you need to take time, eat slowly, enjoy your food, and feel its energy. Also, several small portions, as they are often in the warm Mediterranean regions, relieve the body. This makes you feel lighter and more comfortable.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nutrition Principles for training


  • The main idea of pre-workout meals is that they are meant to provide energy sources that will be available later in order to preserve energy stores and also to take advantage of the increased blood flow to the muscles. Glycogen is the sugar stored in the liver and the muscles.
  • Since high-intensity training burns energy at such a great demand, the body cannot provide enough oxygen in order to use the fat as fuel. (It takes longer to break down fats than carbs.) Therefore, the body also uses the sugar that is stored in the muscle and also the sugar that is found in the bloodstream. So what should I eat and when? 2–4 hours

before your workout 

  • This meal should include carbs, protein, and high-fiber foods. It is recommended to minimize the amount of fat. In general, in order to prevent the phenomenon of discomfort caused by working out on a full stomach, it is better to have the large meals of the day at least 2–4 hours before your workout.
  • Approximately 30 to 90 minutes before your workout – You want to eat carbs with a high–medium glycemic index, such as fresh and dried fruits, potatoes, some vegetables (like carrots, peas), etc.
  • If you train in the morning, this meal can be your first meal of the day. The goal is to consume carbs that absorb fairly quickly, which will provide initial support of glucose.
  • FXWhat should I avoid eating before my workout? An hour before your workout, you want to avoid eating fat. Fat inhibits the evacuation of the stomach and thus causes food to stay in the stomach longer.
  • It may become a burden and can cause bloating in the digestive tract during physical activity.

Eating During Exercise

  • It really depends on the intensity and the length of your workout. If the activity lasts over an hour and a half, you can eat or drink something small that won’t be a heavy burden on your stomach.
  • You don’t want to eat a large amount, because you want your body to focus the energy to your muscles and not your digestion. Make sure to drink 200ml of water every 30–45 minutes to avoid dehydration. I personally don’t eat during my workouts.


  • Your post workout meal is considered one of the most important meals for encouraging muscle growth when eating right and combining food groups. Eating well after your workout allows faster recovery of the body and the muscles.
  • That way, you will be able to do another workout within a relatively short time, without weakness or muscle pain. The risk of injury decreases when you eat right after your workout.
  • Eating well after your workout allows your body to fill the glycogen stores well and build the muscles that were torn down during your workout. In order for the body to recover from the workout, we need to change the catabolic environment to an anabolic environment.
  • The food you eat after exercising affects the body’s hormonal balance in order for the needed change to occur. By prompt delivery of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to the body after a workout, the body can begin repairing the damaged tissues and replenishing energy.
  • Carbohydrates The carbs are important for recovery and refilling depleted glycogen stores. There is no difference between the types of carbohydrates eaten after workout and the glyco gen filling rate provided that a sufficient number of carbohydrates are supplied.
  • The most influential and important factor is the number of carbs that you take in during the day (24 hours) and not so much about the glycemic index of a particular carbohydrate source. In general, try to consume at least 0.7 to 1.0 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight immediately after your workout, and eat a similar amount about one to two hours later.


  • Protein is another essential food group in your post-workout meal. People tend to over discuss and focus on the proteins when they get into bodybuilding or training in general. Yes, the proteins are important but not to the extent that people tend to believe. Protein is essential for the anabolic processes that happen after exercising.
  • Protein provides amino acids that are used for construction and repair of damaged tissues as well as the supply of enzymes and protein carriers that are needed for the adaptation of the intensity and the effort you put into your workout. The timing of protein intake is very important. To maximize the anabolic stimulus from your workout, you need a steady supply of amino acids to your muscles. The optimal time for consuming protein post workout is relatively short.
  • The rate of protein synthesis in humans increases by up to 50% for four hours from the end of an intense workout and up to 109% in the 24 hours post workout.
  • The recommendations of daily consumption of protein are about 1–1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Liquids Rehydration is very important at the cellular level. A state of dryness may inhibit muscle growth.
  • A rule of thumb is to drink 1 ml per calorie you consume. That is, if your diet includes 2500 calories, try to drink at least 2.5 liters of water.  What about fats? Well, ideally in the first meal after your workout, you want to consume foods that will be absorbed fast and assist in the recovery of your muscles and your glycogen stores.
  • Since fats slow down the digestion process, it is better to avoid them in this meal. Carbs and proteins are easier to digest and are the best choice. In the next meal, about one to two hours after the first meal, you can eat a full meal that will include all the food groups.

Dangers of sugar addiction

  • According to an article at the website, “Sugar itself is not the problem—we all need sugar. The problem is we’re eating it constantly, morning until evening. The poison is in the dose.”  Note the use of the word “poison.” That pretty much puts the dangers of too much sugar in a pretty scary spotlight.
  • Everyone knows that poison kills. But many of us fail to recognize that too much sugar can also be deadly. We’ve already mentioned the negative effects sugar can have on your insulin levels, but let’s dig a little deeper into what that actually means.
  • Most people are aware of the association of high levels of insulin and diabetes, but there is also a dangerous connection to cardiac problems.  If your insulin levels are continuously elevated, studies show that you have an increased risk of developing heart disease.
  • In fact, according to Julie Corliss, executive editor of “Harvard Heart Letter,” one 15-year study concluded that people who ate a diet where their daily calories from sugar amounted to 25% of their total calories were over two times more inclined to die from heart disease compared to people who had less than 10% added sugar in their diets.
  • The other major danger factor connected to sugar addiction is inflammation. Although refined sugar, with its empty calories, is a poor food choice for humans, bacteria thrive on the energy that sugar provides. As the sugar feeds the harmful bacteria in your stomach, your immune system responds with its go-to survival strategy, inflammation. Now there is the potential of having to cope with even more discomforts and diseases such as indigestion and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Even more sobering, a recent study indicates that there may even be a connection between elevated insulin levels and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. And, as we mentioned earlier, there is evidence that sustained high insulin levels are connected to some types of cancers, which as we know, often lead to death. But other diseases can also potentially become a problem as well, because when you eat too much sugar, your immune system is significantly impaired so that you lose about 50% of your ability to fight against any invading bacteria or viruses. You are not only more likely to get ill, but you’ll also have trouble getting over an illness quickly.
  • Could you be addicted to sugar? Whether or not there’s conclusive scientific evidence that sugar addiction exists in humans, there are definitely tell-tale signs that are dead giveaways that you have a problem with sugar. If you experience five or more of the symptoms on this list, you most probably have a dysfunctional relationship with sugar.
  • Frequent cravings Feeling hunger even after you’ve had plenty to eat Turning to sugar as consolation when you feel blue or troubled Eating sweets when you don’t even feel hungry Feeling embarrassed or ashamed about the way you eat Feeling fatigued or experiencing brain fog after
  • eating Finding it difficult or impossible to lose weight Not being easily satisfied when you eat sweets Eating sweets until you’re full to the point of discomfort Going back for more sweets, or even bingeing Hiding evidence such as candy wrappers Finding it difficult or impossible to cut back on sweets Eating as a substitute for a social life or activity Feeling a need for a sweet dessert after a meal Why detox Now, granted, a full-out detox is pretty extreme, and you may be wondering why you can’t just gradually back off of sugar.
  • Well, if you’ve never tried it before, it might work. But for most of us, even a little bit of sugar is going to set off the cravings monster. If you continue to have the mindset that you need to satisfy that craving, it’s going to be a very long time before you can pronounce yourself free of your sugar demons. ​A detox is hard, no question about it, but it puts you in the proper frame of mind to say ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO! when your brain starts begging you to give in and just have one chocolate chip cookie or half of a Snickers bar.
  • When you totally commit to cutting out all added sugar for thirty days, you’re automatically setting yourself up for long-lasting success. Why? Because it’s the fastest, most effective way to take the sugar out of your system and completely retune and recharge your body chemistry. A detox will also reset your taste buds so that overly sweet foods just won’t be as appealing. You will be able to start out fresh with a whole new arsenal of healthy eating habits that will lower inflammation and elevate your degree of general wellness. ​
  • Most important, you can say bye-bye to your addiction to sugar and refined carbs. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the book Blood Sugar Solution, it’s possible to see results after a 10-day sugar detox. In a recent study of 600 participants, after 10 days they observed that they were not troubled as much by fatigue, stress and anxiety, pain in their joints, digestive problems like acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome, migraine headaches, and even skin rashes.
  • ​So, if 10 days without sugar will do all that, why go any longer? It’s because we’re human, and humans tend to backslide in the short term. After 10 days, reintroducing sugar to the system doesn’t always go smoothly. The brain’s affection for that sweetness is still pretty fresh, and it’s too easy to revert back to the food we remember as making us so happy not that long ago. That’s why the greatest success is achieved by persevering for the entire 30 days.