Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Basics of the Mediterranean Diet

The Basics of the Mediterranean Diet

Fruits and vegetables for every occasion

  • Salad as an appetizer, vegetables as a side dish, and fruit for dessert… In the Mediterranean countries, there is no meal without fresh fruit and vegetables. Whether vitamin C, B or A, magnesium or zinc, fruits and vegetables provide micronutrients which play an essential role in all areas of our health. So do not hesitate to consume - apple to zucchini - because of the more colorful the selection, the greater the variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals!

Plenty of legumes Legumes 

  • such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc. – are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet and can be used in various combinations, and with herbs and spices. In salads, soups and stews, as a main dish, garnish, dip or sauce, legumes are a good source of high-quality vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates, which in the form of softening fibers stimulate the digestion, prevent obesity, and reduce the risk of illness.

Vegetable oils

  • Olive oil is found in every Mediterranean household and is used for almost all dishes and preparations. The values in the olive oil are its mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, since they improve the flow properties of the blood, reduce blood pressure, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. But also, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, and hemp oil are among the top candidates for healthcare products.

Lots of herbs

  • Rosemary, basil, coriander… Herbs are omnipresent in the Mediterranean cuisine and lend many dishes to their particular flavor. Their healthy compounds and essential oils can stimulate metabolism, promote digestion, and relieve inflammation. These popular herbs in combination with garlic are particularly beneficial because it acts as an antibacterial, keeps the vessel walls elastic, and prevents cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Generously seasoned dishes are not only delicious but also require less salt.

More fish than red meat

  • Fresh fish is one of the treasures of the Mediterranean. Fish and seafood provide high-quality protein that is easily digestible and does not pollute the body. Valuable omega-3 fatty acids and minerals such as iodine and zinc also protect against inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and promote brain functions.
And finally...
  • Enjoy your daily meals with genuine Mediterranean mentality - relaxed and to the fullest. It means you need to take time, eat slowly, enjoy your food, and feel its energy. Also, several small portions, as they are often in the warm Mediterranean regions, relieve the body. This makes you feel lighter and more comfortable.

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