Sunday, August 18, 2019

Side effects of aloe vera

Side effects of aloe vera:

Aloe vera has numerous health benefits but along with that it also has some side effects. Its external use is almost, safe but internal use may cause some problems. These are possible side effects of aloe vera:

1- Hypoglycemia:

Aloe vera lowers blood sugar level as it consumes glucose from the blood. This is good for diabetics as it helps to control sugar level in blood. But excessive use of aloe vera may lead to hypoglycemia. So care should be taken while taking aloe vera internally.

2- Risk of bleeding:

Aloe vera is anticoagulant in nature. It decreases platelets formation that may result in excessive bleeding. Platelets
are the blood cells required to stop bleeding at the site of injury. In some kind of infections, platelets count decreases than normal and if in that case we start using aloe vera unknowingly, it may lead to death. So it is mandatory to have complete knowledge of this plant before using it.

3- Dehydration:

Aloe vera treats constipation by increasing the bowel movement. In this situation less amount of water is absorbed by the walls of gut. Long term use of aloe vera may cause dehydration and also leads to deficiency of essential nutrients. So Excessive and long term use of aloe vera must be avoided.

4- Allergic reactions:
Prolonged use of aloe vera may cause redness and itching on the skin. in this case stop using Aloe vera and consult dermatologist for proper guideline.

5 - Aloe vera and liver damage:

The liver is a most important organ in our body. It performs several important functions for proper functioning of the body. It synthesizes protein and different types of enzymes. Not only this, aloe vera also regulates hormones and helps to remove toxins. Bile juice, which is produced by the liver, helps in digestion of food. Aloe vera was reported hepatotoxic in 2005. Its mechanism of action is still unknown. Aloe vera induced liver toxicity is not severe. It is self-limiting condition.

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