Saturday, July 27, 2019

What are vegans ?

What Do Vegans Eat?

A number of people are becoming vegans because of the tremendous health benefits that go along with it. If you value your physical and mental wellbeing, you might also opt to become a vegan. But first, what exactly are vegans?

What are vegans?

Vegans are people who eat fruits and vegetables, while eliminating meat, dairy products, fish and any animal-derived foods from their diet. This type of diet is called veganism. This means that cakes, which are pastries with milk or eggs, are avoided because one or more of the ingredients come from animals.

Vegans don’t shun meaty foods exclusively; they’re also sometimes outspoken or against, or in protest of animal cruelty and exploitation. Generally, they don’t use materials made from animals, so you won’t see any vegans walking around in leather jackets, for example.

What do vegans eat?

Vegans are into these types of foods:

Vegetables –
These are the sources of their vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients for the body.

Fruits –
Fruits provide also vitamins and minerals.

Whole grains –
These are sources of energy for vegans. These include:
➢ Rice
➢ Rye
➢ Barley

Nuts, seeds and legumes – These are sources of protein for vegans. Examples include:
➢ Cashews
➢ Beans
➢ Peanuts
➢ Flax
➢ Pumpkin seeds
➢ Almonds
➢ Chickpeas
➢ Soy

If you’re carnivorous and have decided to become a vegan, you may struggle a bit during the adjustment period.

What’s the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian?

Often, people think that vegans and vegetarians are the same. They are, in a way – but vegans follow a stricter diet based not only on personal beliefs, but also humanitarian beliefs.

While vegetarians concern themselves with diet alone, vegans go beyond that, involving themselves in the prevention of animal exploitation and cruelty. Hence, a vegan doesn’t use materials made from animals such as: fur, silk, ivory and similar items.

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