Monday, July 22, 2019

Different Essential Oils and their Different Uses

2 Different Essential Oils and their Different Uses

  • The thing about essential oils is they do different things to different people at different times. Therefore, it has always been a good idea to develop a clear understanding of the various rehabilitative, curative, and preventative properties of the different products being marketed today. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it provides a good insight for those who are new to the industry.
  • Let us try to go through what the different plants can do, once you extract the essential oils from them. Remember that this list is not just listing the plants, but also telling you about the health benefits and the importance of extracting their essence fast. It is not clear yet that using all these plants in their raw forms will have quite the same results as would be the case if they were processed first. If you are in any doubt, then it is probably an excellent idea to consult with an expert who has been working with these types of oils for a long time.

1    Eucalyptus Tree:

  • The scientific name for this tree is Eucalyptus globulus. It is one of the most common plants on the planet and does particularly well in wet areas with some sunshine. The oils extracted from it are known worldwide for their medicinal and soothing qualities.
  • Normally, it is the leaves that are harvested for this purpose, and the wood is used in construction work. The essential oils from this tree are extracted using the steam-distilling method. These oils are very important in South America, as well as parts of Africa and Asia. The Latin American folklore is full of references to the Eucalyptus tree as a remedy.
  • The ease with which the plants can be grown and harvested makes it a great commercial project for industrialists. The main use for these essential oils is disinfecting areas, as well as cleaning them. Thus, they are normally an additive to soap, as well as other cleaning products.
  • When used in sufficient quantities and in the right way, Eucalyptus oil can help to control vermin, such as insects. One of the confusing things for people who have never used this type of essential oil is the fact there are so many different Eucalyptus trees with just a few that are actually used for the extraction process. In fact, the same tree may be able to produce oils that are of such diverse functionality and characteristics that it is difficult to believe they all have the same origin.

2    Rose Flower:

  • We are used to thinking of a rose as merely a decorative flower that has wonderful smells. However, you can enhance your experience of the rose fragrance by extracting essential oils from it.
  • There are two types of petals that are particularly popular in the industry. The first is the Rosa centifolia, while the second is the Rosa damascena. The slightly rotting smell of roses is irresistible and, sometimes, is used in fragrances. The popularity of the essence and flower is such that even human names are inspired by it.
  • The preferred process for extracting the essential oils from a rose is through steam distilling. You will get a product known as rose-otto. This is not the end of the product, but you need to also get the rose absolute. That is a solvent extract that can be used in perfumery and other functions.
  • There are no clear medicinal benefits associated with the rose oils, apart from their beautiful fragrance. Nevertheless, there is a lot of research in this field, and it would not be entirely surprising if, one day, we were able to pick out new functions that were previously unknown to humankind.

3    Lavender Flower:

  • Perhaps, there is no plant more associated with sweet, elderly ladies than this one. However, you will be amazed at the range of uses to which the lavender essential oils can be put. For example, it can be used to remove bad odors from bathrooms.
  • It is also a core component of many high end perfumes. Others have found ways of using it during their cooking, much to the surprise of those who cannot quite get around the idea that Lavender would taste good. The oils that have been extracted from it are potentially harmful. For example, they are known to be antiandrogenic in nature, as well as being estrogenic.
  • These are very technical terms for the impact these oils have on pregnant women, as well as boys, who are still in their prepubescent stage of growth. Because they impact the hormonal balances of the body, it is not a good idea to start using lavender essential oils without consulting an expert, particularly, if you fall within the category that is most at risk. Nevertheless, there are new discoveries, concerning what lavender oils can do. For example, it has worked well for people, who want to get an effective, but non-irritant insect repellent.

4    Myroxylon Plant:

  • In common parlance, this is known as the Balsam of Peru, a name that is perhaps very obvious in terms of describing the origins of the plant. The essential oils derived from it are quite fragrant and, therefore, are used in the manufacturing of a range of toiletries. They also have a distinct taste and can be used to flavor certain popular drinks and food items. Apart from their use in the creation of perfumes, the oils of Balsam of Peru are very good for healing people from different ailments.
  • The downside is these cures and causes are not really clearly defined, so the scientific community has largely treated them with a lot of justifiable skepticism. Moreover, there is concern that the Balsam of Peru may be a very strong allergen that can lead to unexpected negative impacts on the health of the people who come in contact with it. There are different surveys, which consistently rank it amongst the top five allergy-causing substances in the world.
  • The first signs that things are going wrong is when you experience a burst of hives and constrictions when you are exposed to the Balsam of Peru. If the problem persists, then it is a good idea to visit a good dermatologist, so they can escalate your treatment.

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